News & Announcements
January 18, 2025
Worship Services:
Physical Sabbath School (Adult & Children’s) & Worship Service:
- Sabbath School Song Service at 9:15 AM
- Sabbath School Program from 9:30 – 9:50 AM
- Lesson Study from 9:50 AM to 10:40 AM
- Worship Song Service at 10:45 AM
- Worship Service from 11:00 AM to Noon
- Prayer Requests & Praises are after Live Stream is ended.
Online Sabbath School, Worship Service, & Children’s Story are still available at the Alvarado SDA Church Facebook Page. Children’s Story is pre-recorded. Adult Sabbath School may be pre-recorded or live Sabbath morning. (See the Facebook page for details.) Worship Service will be limited to the Sermon, so may have a a flexible start time. However, all services are archived in the Video section of the Facebook page for viewing at your convenience. Closed Captioning is auto-generated. If we have time, we also edit it.
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting is held in the Sabbath School Complex, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Fellowship Dinners
*January third Sabbath fellowship dinner has been moved to the fourth Sabbath so that our Spanish church family can join us.
Food Ministry
The Alvarado SDA Food Ministry is held every Thursday, except Holidays or times when TAFB closes. Please check the Alvarado SDA Food Ministry Facebook for the current weekly status.
Anyone willing to help with gym clean up after Food Ministry on Thursday evenings in preparation for our Spanish family to worship on Sabbath, please see Terry Spradlin or Terrie Bayless.
Free Religious Books, including Daily Devotionals
Be sure to check the book stand in the foyer for books that may be of interest to you or to share. If you are looking for a yearly devotional, see Melody Snow.
Literature to Share
Literature! If you have literature and materials in the back area, or want to hand out literature, please see Bonnie Mattheus.
Church Notifications
Anyone wishing to receive text messages (instead of or as well as emails) of church notifications, please text your name and number to T. Bayless.
Budget Update
Our Budget is $8030. The New Building Monthly Goal is $4000. Thank you for your generous support!
Work Bees
Now, that we have moved in to the New Church Building, we will be having work bees only once a month. Please check the schedule of upcoming events below for the next work bee date.
Health & Temperance
We will be having a Gourmet Raw Vegan Potluck on February 2, 2024. Please read flyer for rules & registration information.
Online Giving
Online Giving is now enabled via Adventist Giving. You may continue to use Online Giving or you may return your tithes/offerings at the physical service. Thank you for your continued support.
Weekly Offering Designations (Please Mark Your Tithe Envelope):
January 18 Local Church Budget
January 25 Texas Vision
Ukraine Giving:
If you wish to support the Ukraine relief efforts, there are two known valid entities: ADRA ( and Build and Restore International ( The need is great, the need is urgent!
Adventist Women’s Group
The Adventist Women’s Group is meeting @ 11:30 a.m. on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month for Lunch at a local restaurant. Contact Lori Bowersox for more information.
Health Nugget
Prayer List
The following people have requested prayer from the church. First names have been omitted for privacy.
- D. Aponte
- J. Barajas
- J. Beimer
- S. Brain
- C. Bullion
- Anita Davis
- M. Gilleroth
- P. Grissom
- C.J. Hill Family
- D. Hines
- S. Jenkins
- C. Larson
- B. Pacheco
- D. Puicon
- S. Sandow
- Shockley Family
- D. Shoff
- Slough Family
- J. Spradlin
- Trina (friend)
- E. Trusyuk
- Vargas Family
- Weeks Family
- Prison Ministry Members (James, Bryon, Bradley, Joshua, Justin, & Chaplin West)
Prayer Focus This Week: Layland Plumbing (Contractor)
Wednesdays Prayer Meeting (6:30 PM)
Thursdays Food Ministry (9:00 – 11:00 AM)
Thursday Evening Gym Clean Up (~7:00 PM)
Tuesday January 21 Women’s Lunch (11:30 AM – Stone Soup Café, Burleson)
Tuesday, January 21 Building Committee (7:00 PM Via Zoom)
Sabbath, January 25* Fellowship Dinner
Sabbath, February 15 Chili Cook Of